Lecture: Why we need to ban fossil fuels

Lecture: Why we need to ban fossil fuels

Speaker: Prof. Roland Geyer, University of California at Santa Barbara

Zeitfenster der Veranstaltung (1)


Place: HS1228 (Kollegiengebäude I) and online
Time is running out to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and avoid catastrophic climate change. The 2018 published special report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “suggests a remaining budget of about 420 Gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 emissions for a two-thirds chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.” The clock on this so-called remaining carbon budget started ticking at the beginning of 2018, and has been ticking ever since. Despite this ominous, serious warning, the world keeps emitting over 40 Gt of CO2 per year. In other words, the instruments that are currently being used across the globe to reduce CO2 emissions are not working.
It is time to ban fossil fuels.

The event will also be streamed online:
Meeting-ID: 892 9847 1235
Kenncode: 380395

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